Extended cross-sectional area of the fiber end-face: By extending the cross-sectional area of the fiber end-face, the power density of the terminal is reduced, preventing fiber damage caused by intense heating and burning.
High Damage Threshold: With a high laser damage threshold, it is able to work for long periods of time without damage under high power conditions.
Beam Expansion: Reduces power density through beam expansion, allowing fiber optic components to operate within a tolerable range and avoid damage.
Uniform Beam Expansion in Homogeneous Media: The end caps are colorless and enable uniform beam expansion in homogeneous media.
High precision: It has high machining accuracy, which ensures a good combination of end cap and optical fiber.
Low Power Absorption: The design is reasonable, and the power absorption is extremely low, ensuring the reliability of long-term operation.
Versatile design: Customized shank or tapered drop-in segments with a special tilt angle at one end for easy splicing with optical fibers.
Applications: Fiber lasers, Fiber Amplifier, High-power optical system, Optical communication, Industrial processing, etc.