LiNbO3 and MgO:LiNbO3 Crystals
LiNbO3 Crystals:
Excellent medium for second harmonic generation (SHG) at wavelengths exceeding 1µm.
Suitable for optical parametric oscillation (OPO), optical parametric amplifiers (OPA), and tunable infrared output generation through difference frequency mixing (DFM).
Broad spectral transmission range of 0.3-5.2 microns, spanning visible to MWIR wavelengths.
High laser-induced damage threshold, suitable for high-power applications.
Large nonlinearities allow for higher effective nonlinear coefficients (deff) at lower power intensities.
MgO:LiNbO3 Crystals:
Higher optical damage threshold compared to LiNbO3 crystals, making them ideal for high-power applications.
Less prone to photorefractive damage, alleviating issues in frequency conversion.
Exhibits particular advantages for non-critical phase-matched (NCPM) second harmonic generation/doubling frequencies (SHG) at room temperature and sum-frequency generation (SFG).
Applications: Nonlinear Optics, High-Power Applications, Optical Processing, etc.